The company was established in 1958 by a group of Sudanese & Italian businessmen. In 1970 the name was changed to Khor-Omer Company when President Nimeiry nationalized all foreign companies, and then it reverted to its original name in 1974.
With their considerable experience, knowledge, expertise & vision, the company decided that Office Automation & IT was the area to concentrate on to cater for the market demands. At that time & five decades later, the company is aggressively taking advantage of the revolution that has taken place in their field of endeavor.
We are proud of the fact that we were the first supplier of our kind to serve & maintain more than 200 customers, commercial banks, enterprises, government, private companies, universities, and organizations.
Our company, is, therefore, well known in the entire banking, corporate & Government sectors. Dedicated to supplying quality products backed by prompt after-sales service, has gone hand in hand with our increasing presence & reputation in the market.
All around the world people are on continuous demand for technology. To satisfy these needs may rely particularly on professional services provider. Franco Pinto smart solutions expertise, mechanisms and facilities respond to the client & services requester’s who are seeking to protect their reputation and maintain their high-quality standards.
We are proud to offer our products & advanced technology solutions in the field of Security, Networking, Banking Machines & Office Equipment with high quality to contribute to the development of performance & work efficiency of our customers.
We are also working through the After-Sales Service to ensure the effectiveness of our products, to gain the confidence and satisfaction of our customers at affordable prices.
- We commit to innovation & automation.
- We believe in building a strong relationship with our customers through honesty.
- We commit to integrity & excellence in each detail.
- Providing the proper smart solution on time.
- Supplying quality products backed by prompt after sales service